Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together

Monads are, in a way, all about sequences of operations which depend on data living "inside" a data structure and produce instances of that data structure with new data inside. For instance, the list monad sequences operations which depend on things inside a list, and which produce lists themselves. The state monad sequences operations which depend, in a sense, on data living inside a state function and result in new state functions. The "maybe" monad sequences operations depending on values which produce "maybe" values (like (Just x) or (Nothing)).


Think about this enough and you start to look for monads whenever you deal with any kind of data structure. Recently, I've thought a lot about hygienic macros, of which the key component is "syntax", a kind of decorated representation of source code. If you write simple macros that don't do anything like variable capture, you basically don't have to worry about the distinction between syntax and datum, but when you start selectively messing up hygiene, it becomes important.

And you start to notice patterns. Specifically, you are often "unpacking" a piece of syntax, doing something to it, and then "resyntaxing" it when you are done. Can we conceptualize syntax as a monad? If we do so, do we get anything? It is useful? I suspect for many seasoned readers the first is obvious: any data structure which "holds things" has an associated monad. We'll see about the second - I actually don't know myself, and expect to find out as I write this post.

Better Monads

We'll be operating in my Scheme of Choice, Racket and we'll use my monad library better-monads. To define a monad in better-monads you simply create an instance of the monad struct, defined as:

(struct monad (bind return plus zero) #:transparent)

Plus and zero are optional, and you set them to #f if you can't provide meaningful values. That is:

(require functional/better-monads)

(define the-id-monad
 (monad (lambda (v f) (f v))
        (lambda (v) v)
        #f #f))

Creates the identity monad. We can then use it in an mlet* expression.

(mlet* in: the-id-monad
   ((x 10)
    (y (+ x 11)))
 (return (+ x y)))

Which will be 31, because the identity monad doesn't do anything at all. The library defines and exports some common monads:

(mlet* in: the-list-monad 
  ((x '(a b c))
   (y '(q r s)))
 (return (list x y)))

Results in:

'((a q) (a r) (a s) (b q) (b r) (b s) (c q) (c r) (c s))

If you aren't down with monads, read my tutorials on using them in Lisps. I'm told they are helpful.

The Syntax Monad

The easiest place to start with a monad is with return, since return is our simplest monadic function. That is, there is a family of functions which accept values and produce monadic values and return is often one of the simplest of these functions. What is return in the syntax monad?

The super naive but technically correct answer is:

(define (syntax-return item)
  (datum->syntax (syntax _) item))

This takes an item, any kind of datum, and wraps it into a syntax-object with datum->syntax. Datum->syntax requires, however, a "seed" syntax object from which to copy the syntactic information that helps maintain (or violate) hygiene. This version of return just creates a new syntax object with (syntax _) as the seed, but this isn't very useful. We are almost always trying to create a syntax object which borrows someone else's scope information, say to capture a variable.

If this were Haskell, we might have to live with this sub-optimal solution (you don't really need return as far as I can tell, its just a handy way to put things into the monad). However, we're using Scheme and that means we can take advantage of our greater flexibility to write this version:

(define (syntax-return item . rest)
 (match rest 
  [(list) (syntax-return item (syntax _))]
  [(list seed)
   (datum->syntax seed item)]))

This function takes an optional second argument which can specify the seed if need be. better-monads doesn't care about the fact that this return has a different signature than other returns. All that matters is that everything works out at runtime.

Bind is often a sticking point but in the syntax monad it is very easy to understand:

(define (syntax-bind stx stx<datum>)
 (stx<datum> (syntax->datum stx)))

Here we use a little notational hint I use in my code. The <datum> part of the symbol stx<datum> indicates that stx<datum> is a function waiting for a single value, the datum, to produce something, namely a piece of syntax (hence the stx). The value stx (without any <>) is a syntax object. Bind simply extracts the value in the syntax using syntax->datum and calls the function stx<datum> on that value. The rules of our monad dictate that the result must be some syntax, but this (again) is enforced at run-time, not by any type-checker.

We can define our monad in two ways, depending on the behavior of return we want. The first is:

(require functional/point-free)

(define (the-syntax-monad<stx> stx)
 (monad syntax-bind (partial< syntax-return stx) #f #f))

This monad is parametrized by the syntax we want to use as the seed for return operations. We accomplish this by partially applying syntax-return on the right with the value stx passed in during the monad creation. partial< means "partially apply on the right" (as opposed to >partial, which means "on the left") and lives in my point-free library.

As I understand it, this kind of "value parametrized monad" is difficult to represent in Haskell. I've read that the "set monad" is hard to come up with for just this reason. In scheme, you just parametrize the set monad by whatever predicate you want to constitute equality.

We can also write a regular old monad:

(define the-syntax-monad (monad syntax-bind syntax-return #f #f))

Here we just expect the user to provide an appropriate seed syntax-object when they call return. I am almost certainly sure you can't do this in Haskell without jumping through big hoops. Not really a Haskell programmer, though, so its possible I'm wrong.

But Will it Blend?


This comes up with you google image search "Two Great Tastes"...

Ok, so this is cute. We've got a monad over syntax but can we use it to do anything? Well, one application that springs to mind is that we can use it to defined syntax-oriented versions of standard list functions:

(define (syntax-car stx)
 (mlet* in: (the-syntax-monad<stx> stx)
   ((contents stx))
  (return (car contents))))

Or, using the more convenient notion of lifting a function into a monad:

(define (syntax-car stx) 
 ((lift1 car (the-syntax-monad<stx> stx))

For functions of two arguments, this looks like:

(define (syntax-cons hd tl)
 ((lift2 cons (the-syntax-monad<stx> tl))
  hd tl))

We can use these functions like so:

(syntax-car (syntax a b c d)) ;-> (syntax a)


(syntax-cons (syntax a) (syntax b c d)) ;->
  (syntax a b c d)

In the second case, though, its important to realize that the syntax a has its syntactic metadata replaced with the meta-data for the tail, that is (syntax b c d ). If we want a to keep its own meta-data, we should write:

(define (syntax-cons hd tl)
 (mlet* in: the-syntax-monad 
   ((tl-contents tl))
  (return (cons a tl-contents) tl)))

We could define this in a point free way (if we wanted to show off), as such:

(define (syntax-cons hd tl) 
 ((lift1 (>partial cons hd)
  (the-syntax-monad<stx> tl))

There are other various and sundry things which it might be easier to do/define using the syntax monad, but without using it a great deal, I'll just say that it seems to blend ok.



Finally, the real deal.

We've shown how to define and use a syntax monad for Scheme syntax objects. The essence of the implementation is the realization that syntax, as a kind of wrapper over regular Scheme data, is enough like a container that we can write a monad over it, much like we can create a list monad over lists.

The utility of the monad seems to be limited by the fact that syntax containers aren't just dumb boxes around pieces of data, but contain important meta-data which is intimately related to their intended use. It isn't clear to me whether, given this fact, really using the syntax monad would ever be a win, but who knows? At the very least it is an interesting example of what I guess you could call a monad parametrized over a run time value, which is an interesting idiom, anyway.

All this code is up on my git repository.


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As if rot and verdure weren't enough,
I then became the mythical man moth,
and I fluttered around, that summer, not moon,
but incandescent after incandescent,
each mellifluous orbs in the warm night,
each thrumming with the wings of my cohorts,
all in paroxysm for those faux-moons,
encased in glass, or perspex, and humming
with their own dead, but electric, heartbeat.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Woops. I posted and got two copies, then removed one and they both vanished. What I said was, "Serendipitously (as I suppose), I just posted about MMM to a private mailing list."

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